鹿児島 天文館 池田選茶堂 -鹿児島茶 知覧茶-

Reasons Behind the Deliciousness

The Art of Selection

Kagoshima stretches 600 km from north to south, with diverse terrains ranging from mountains to plains. Naturally, weather conditions and sunlight hours vary by region, resulting in tea leaves with unique characteristics and a wide variety of types produced in Kagoshima.

Using the tea master's skill of selection—the ability to identify the finest tea leaves—we choose only the best from Kagoshima's abundant tea leaves.

The Art of Blending

While single-origin coffee is often preferred, blending is common practice for tea. Although single-origin teas can be delicious, blending creates a one-of-a-kind flavor.

In the tea world, blending is referred to as "Gogumi." It involves combining the best qualities of tea leaves. To achieve this, one must not only thoroughly understand the characteristics of each tea leaf but also envision the perfect synergy when they are combined—a true artisan's skill.

The Art of Roasting

Tea leaves do not emit much aroma until heat is applied. The aroma that people associate with tea is created during the roasting process.

Roasting is a highly delicate process. The desired flavor and aroma are achieved by finding the precise point during heating—a "point" that determines the tea's quality. This crucial step requires the expertise of a master craftsman.

"Selection," "Blending," and "Roasting"—each step is imbued with the skill of a master, and only the finest teas are chosen as Ikeda Senchado’s teas.

10th-Dan Tea Master Kenta Ikeda

“This is Senchado”
“Because it’s Senchado”
  Our Aim

The ultimate reason we can create one-of-a-kind tea is because it is crafted by 10th-Dan Tea Master Kenta Ikeda.

Kenta Ikeda, the owner of Ikeda Senchado, holds the "10th-Dan Tea Master" title, the highest rank in tea tasting and appraisal. In the 70-year history of the National Tea Appraisal Competition, only 23 individuals have received this certification (as of September 2023). The rarity of this title highlights its difficulty and prestige within the tea industry.

Ikeda Senchado’s teas are crafted by Kenta Ikeda using his unparalleled expertise. While cherishing the familiar flavors of Japanese tea, we strive to create tastes that can only be experienced at Ikeda Senchado.